Portfolio of various series and assorted works
The Songs We Sing
series of 13 6x6 watercolor and ink figurative bird paintings inspired by and named for the poetry of Mary Oliver
I know you'll be the sun (Winter 2022)
assorted small works in watercolor and ink from winter 2022
I See You Everywhere (Fall 2021)
assorted small works in watercolor and ink from fall 2021
What We're Made Of
Mixed media collage portrait series, “What We’re Made Of,” explores themes of the power and restoration we find in nature, the emotional impact of climate change, and our connection to the natural world. Exhibited Oct 9 - Nov 13, 2021 at Bad Moravian in Door County, Wisconsin.
Seeds and Wings series
Seeds and Wings, also known as Sketchbook Series. Explores themes of germination and growth, the reflection of phases of emotional and social life in the life cycles of the natural world, and the healing power of nature. Exhibted Oct 9-Nov 13 at Bad Moravian in Door County, Wisconsin.
Assorted and Discounted Paintings
Flower Beings, Boulders + Boundaries, and other various acrylic, gouche and watercolor paintings offered at discounted pricing
Sketchbook pages
acrylic, gouache and oil pastel paintings on sketchbook pages - end of year sale for $25
Watercolor Figures and Portraits
Bold and vibrant energy portraits, zodiac animals, and pet portraits
Marking My Way watercolor + ink series
Marking My Way, also known as the flowers and cairns series, is a series of watercolor and ink paintings that explores the contrast and pairing of haphazard growth with intentionally built structure. Also known as the flowers and cairns series. Assorted sizes.
Morning Glories watercolor series
inspired by bouquets and gardens